Is Covid19 PANDEMIC? Some Experts, say "Yes"; What to do Now? Billions of people ARE at Risk...

February 14th, 2020
While we are awaiting official word from the CDC, WHO or our own Governing Agencies What should we be doing?

I have always had that side of me that was a "Prepper" at heart.  Not a Conspiracy Theorist, or what others call "Crazed Preppers", but that person who has always understood the concepts of supply infrastructure and the ways of the modern world.

Our modern world has become delicate and complicated at a quickening pace. I grew up in an age where I did NOT have a cell phone.
Sometimes things happen.  You need to be prepared.

The Covid19 pandemic is that thing.

(article from time magazine, May 4th 2017)

We are hearing various information from both ends of the spectrum.   Many experts have warned us since day one.  While others idiotically say that this is just another "Flu", or compare the deaths from Flu to Covid19.
There are NO Comparisons to be made.  They are 2 different things. One is KNOWN one is UNKNOWN.

Yes, the flu is already extremely deadly, most people get that,  and it is something we have grown with and become used to over the years.   It is something we plan for and work on and around.
Adding a Coronavirus that is as bad as Covid19 will become a downright catastrophe.

If you are only concerned about your family and worried about what might happen. Then,
anyone who is telling you to CALM DOWN or don't worry about this etc, etc. is only working against your best interest.
They think they are protecting you or helping you.  But, these actions or advice is NOT helpful. As many people deal with things in their own way.

Back to the Flu and Covid19.  We are dealing with a Flu epidemic already.  We have many Epidemics happening in the US as well as the rest of the world.
Adding Covid19 on top of this is going to send everything into Medical Chaos.  We only have an estimated 200,000 give or take Hospital beds available in America on any given day.  The hospitals on average are already at MAX capacity.

What we are facing is something we should all be concerned about,  NOT COMPLACENT.  The concern is NOT PANIC, nor is it INCITING PANIC.
Having FEAR and CONCERNS or WORRIES is a built-in mechanism that keeps you and your family ALIVE.

Now, on the other hand,  some people get a little crazy and do things they should not be doing.  This is a time to think rationally and not get HYSTERICAL.   There is a HUGE difference in hysterical and panicked or worried.  Worry only means you are thinking about what you need to do to make you feel less worried and or more comfortable about dealing with and handling this bump in the road.

Scientists and Experts have told us for decades that something like this would happen and we needed to be prepared.
Without pointing a finger or making this political,  Current Administrations in the US have disbanded and done away with agencies and groups that took care of and were on guard for things just like this outbreak.

Now in saying everything so far,
This is NOT the End of the World as we Know it.

But, difficult times lay ahead.
Shipments and Supply Chains are already becoming delayed and broken.
Companies all over the world depend on the items that come out of China to complete a long chain of Manufacturing where items are made all over the world,  but come together into one single item, and or single parts that we need for our items.  In each respective country.

Many Medications, Medical Supplies, Machines, Chemicals, PPE, Mask, all the things we need for the Medical fields to function.

Billions of people ARE at risk of the effects that the Covid19 Pandemic will bring on us all.
Our hospitals, dentists, surgeons, PAs, nurses, and all other medical staff will be experiencing shortages.
This along with the shortages of hospital beds on any given day will congest the Healthcare System in every country including the US.   Things could quickly begin to look like what we have seen in China.

Makeshift Hospitals and Secure Medical Quarantine centers for people who are suspected, asymptomatic, and positive housed separately.

Food and water supplies could become scarce for a short time leading up to 2 months or maybe more.

Things you need to consider-
+Stock up on water, enough for all family members and dogs, or get some Katydine Filters or something similar.

+Food, enough food, and calories for at least 4-6 weeks.
More would be great.  But most people have to start small.  So get enough to get you by for as long as possible.   Get basics too, sugar, salt, soups, canned foods, dry foods, snack foods, things that will last and not spoil quickly.
Rations would be supplied at some point if things were to get as bad as something like that would call for. Again, not the end of the world.

+Make sure you have food and water for your pets also.

+Get some basic medical supplies,

+Packs of Cards and Games, movies, music, etc

+Paper goods and toiletries,

+Cleansers that kill Virus, like bleach, peroxide and rubbing alcohol,

+Sit down together with your household and come up with ideas and make some plans,

+Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub

+Lets all work together and NOT get hysterical and do things we should not do,

+Continue to pay your bills as you can,

+Help people only if you are in a position to help others,

+If you feel sick,  Self Quarantine away from everyone and call local hospitals or the Health Department.
CLICK HERE FOR SUPPLIES, FOOD and WATER RECOMMENDATIONS here on my blog, and here is another site that provided a much more expansive list for preparing. 
Rallying Point

For anyone who needs ideas on what to get, I will be creating a better list of items that can be ordered online and what can be bought in store.

Again this is not the end of the world and we can get through this.  It will be a hard job and people will have to work together.  But we can do this.

Thank you eveyone,
Be Educated, Be Safe, and Be Prepared...

